
Calling all class of 2015 high school seniors!

I am so excited to be offering my first annual senior rep program!

I am looking for 6-8 high school seniors who will be graduating in 2015. 


What exactly is a senior rep?
A senior rep is an official representative of Cassema photography!
I will take professional photos of you and have custom rep cards made for you to hand out to all your friends. This will help seniors find me when  it comes time to book their sessions. Plus you get the opportunity to earn cash and prizes! 
What’s in it for you?
  • A FREE photo session with professional makeup!
  • A special representative party luncheon!
  • 25 professional rep cards with YOUR picture on it to hand out to your friends
  • Beautifully edited low-res watermarked images to share on your Facebook page!
  • A custom letter of recommendation for your job/college
  • 20% off all sessions and prints with Cassema Photography until you graduate
  • $$! For every senior session that books and brings in your card, you get your choice of $15 Amex/Visa giftcard  or $20 towards your own senior session or prints!
  • Every body referred by you also receives a free 8×10 print!
  • For every 10 people referred by you, you also get your choice of a $25 iTunes, Starbucks, or gas gift card!
  • The senior rep who refers the most seniors by the end of the school year will receive an Amazon Kindle and Amazon gift card!
What do I need to do?
  • Hand out your rep cards to let people know you took your photos:)
  • Share your pictures on Facebook and Instagram with a link to my Facebook page
  • Have a positive and motivated attitude
  • Represent ONLY Cassema Photography and agree not to get senior pictures anywhere else
  • Have parent(s) permission to participate
What is it you are looking for?
  • 6-8 senior girls graduating 2015
  • Girls with a positive attitude
  • Girls who are active on social media (Facebook, Instagram)
  • Girls who are looking to make some extra money
  • Girls who like to have fun!
  • Girls who don’t mind being dolled up and photographed for a day:)
Sounds great! How do I apply?
To apply, simply contact me via the contact form on my website so I can e-mail you the application:)


Cassema Photography is looking for San Diego Senior reps! (Class of 2015)